Historic Events
Natural and human events shape our current situation and our future. These pictures interpret some of the most important events that underlie our modern world. They gave rise to my use of the EdgieArt.com name for this website as they reflect challenging views of the past that affect the present and the future.
FIRST WAVE - This piece was started in April of 2020, when it became clear that Covid-19 was a Pandemic. We all became familiar with The Curve, showing the increase of medical care and hospital space that was available in our country. Steps to slow the spread of the virus (such as 6 feet of separation between people) were intended to keep cases below The Curve. But it soon became evident that our society was unwilling or unable to stay within those bounds. As cases rose above The Curve, death stalked the land. People became isolated and afraid. This was my take on that story.
SINE QUA NON - Electing Barrack Obama the First Black President of the United States did not occur without many preparatory steps taken at great cost over hundreds of years. This piece, created to celebrate Barack Obama’s election depicts those upon whose shoulders he stood and the debt we all owe to their efforts. See if you can spot the Homage to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the picture.
JOHN F. KENNEDY - World War II PT Boat Captain, Senator from Massachusetts then President of the United States. His assassination marked an entire generation of American youth and signaled the beginning of the end of America’s unbridled optimism about its place in the World. I utilized a sponge technique for the background of this painting, using yellow ochre and gold to enhance its luster.
THE LYNCHING OF AMERICA - In post Civil War America, this practice was used to frighten people of color into compliance with racist social norms. While less prevalent than in earlier times, it has been joined by the refusal of Senators, Members of Congress and Supreme Court Justices to permit enforcement of voting rights denied blacks in both the north and south. Their actions are in reality lynching the idea of America itself.